Students have experienced a learning loss due to the pandemic, but this learning loss has actually been an issue long before the pandemic. Students feel like school doesn’t adequately prepare them for the real world and they care more about passing than actually learning. You have an opportunity to help restore the purpose of school and motivate students.
Students have experienced a learning loss due to the pandemic, but this learning loss has actually been an issue long before the pandemic. Students feel like school doesn’t adequately prepare them for the real world and they care more about passing than actually learning. You have an opportunity to help restore the purpose of school and motivate students.
Our team found that the issue was that students don’t engage in school because it lacks real-life experience. Why? Because parents and educators don’t adequately prepare teens for adult life. Our solution was to provide an outlet for teens to voice their frustrations and make actionable change within the education system. We did this by creating an online platform named the Rage Room where students can "rage" their frustrations, vote on the most pressing issues, learn the skills they wished they were taught, and finally, have their voice heard through their votes that are sent to the secretary of education.
Our team found that the issue was that students don’t engage in school because it lacks real-life experience. Why? Because parents and educators don’t adequately prepare teens for adult life. Our solution was to provide an outlet for teens to voice their frustrations and make actionable change within the education system. We did this by creating an online platform named the Rage Room where students can "rage" their frustrations, vote on the most pressing issues, learn the skills they wished they were taught, and finally, have their voice heard through their votes that are sent to the secretary of education.

